Building The Kiwi Dream - Matt Watson
The series is taking Kiwis across the country on a unique journey through the construction of Matt and his family’s dream home, in one of the world’s best locations, the Bay of Islands.
With such a remarkable site, it brings us great pleasure to be part of creating a remarkable home, where we will be providing tray roofing and cladding for both the boat shed, and main house featured on the show. Senior Product Manager, Shane Pratt.

“When we were approached to be involved with the show, we felt it ticked a lot of boxes,”
Shane continues, “We were looking for different ways that we could connect with our customers, roofers and to some extent architects, property owners and builders. For many reasons Matt Watson is well known to that market, he also has a very significant social media following in his own right. We saw this as an opportunity for Dimond to positively tap into this medium, helping to drive our brand presence and credibility as the best of the bunch through both television and social media on a national scale.”
The Watson home is a unique build that will not only feature Dimond Roofing products but also supports many of the values and credentials that we hold around sustainability. Matt Watson says,
“The property has a focus on sustainability and self-supporting. Its energy will come from solar power and our food will primarily come from the ocean, veggie gardens, and local game. There is even a brewery on-site, so there is literally no need to step out of the property.”
There were many components to the Dimond association with the show, PCC (ColorCote), provided assistance with the coils, and one of Dimond’s preferred installers of tray products, RoofingSmiths in Bay of Islands, was selected as the installers of choice. This is a great opportunity to showcase the level of expertise RoofingSmiths have in the installation of tray roofing products throughout the series.
Dimond’s involvement will be shown over a number of episodes, including how we come together with a solution to overcome the challenges of operating in such an extreme part of New Zealand.
Shane explains, “A highlight for me was visiting the site while our mobile roll former machine was in action.”
Shane continues, “The site’s distance from the road, and the steepness of the drive made delivering the roofing tray difficult. Using our roll-forming machine was the best way to do it. It was impressive, and given the coastal location, the guys had a great view from the office that day! However while impressive, it was also challenging. Thankfully the team at our Whangarei branch, and the mobile team of Alex Palmer and Tihema Taurima, with the support of Aidan Taylor (Dimond Roofing’s North Island Manager), made it happen, and it was really appreciated to get that support.”